版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本
聯絡地址:г.Москва, ул. Маршала Савицкого, д.8
GETauto is a universal tool that opens huge opportunities for automation or management of various processes. For example, you can get the weather forecast or jokes at the specified time and from the specified web site.
* There is an automatic switching on and off the mobile internet and Wi-Fi;
* With PUSH notifications, you can display notifications on smart watches;
* The app can automatically enable Bluetooth before sending the message notification and automatically disable when the notification is removed. First of all, this option is developed for devices receiving notifications from mobile phones, tablets and other devices. For example, for sending texts to smart watches;
* GETauto, same as Cron scheduler in Linux, makes GET request to the page with the specified URL address at the set time (similar to WGET command in Cron), or when you tap the widget.
In the settings, you can select the display of the query results (code page with the specified URL address) in the form of PUSH notifications (notifications displayed in the status bar). When you make a query by time or by tapping the widget, the application can enable Wi-Fi and/or Mobile Internet in the time with the request and disable upon the response is received if the activation was carried out by the application (i.e., prior to that the Internet was disabled).
When receiving a response, you can parse text using regular expressions in the "regular expressions" row. Reply settings are in the row "regular result". Regular expression match function "preg_match()"in PHP: http://www.google.net/?gws_rd=cr,ssl#newwindow=1&q=preg_match()
Regular expression settings: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:AutoWikiBrowser/Regular_expression
For example:
- «(.+?)» is what is cashed. The result is shown for the first time using «$1)». If «(.+?)» is searched for the second time, it is used «$2».
- If the symbol is different from the digit or letter, it is to be screened with «\».
- New row for the notification withdrawal is indicated with «\n» (new row is shown when viewing the full notification by clicking on it).
Note: if there are more than 3 requests, then while saving the requests with empty URL are deleted.
For receiving the missed notifications on Watch, special software should be used. For example:
For CASIO BlueWatcher app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bluewatcher
For Pebble app Nativecation: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.clusterrr.pebblenativecation.alt